Friday, August 4, 2017

How Your First Appointment to Your Local Eye Care Center Will Proceed

Whether or not you know that you have vision problems, it's important to visit an eye care center periodically to have your eyes tested and evaluated. This helps ensure that they're in optimum health, because in addition to having trouble seeing, there's countless other health issues that can arise relating to your eyes. When you go to an eye care center in Clayton, NC here's what you can expect to happen.


The first thing that an eye doctor will do is gather patient information from you. You'll be expected to provide your medical history as well as a list of any medications you're taking or have taken since this could directly affect the health of your eyes. You'll also be expected to inform the doctor of any symptoms you're experiencing, such as itching, burning or watery eyes as well as if you have trouble seeing far off or up close. If you currently wear any eye wear, it's a good idea to make sure you take it in for the doctor to examine. Read more on this article: